
Hi, I’m Josh and I work as an Applications Engineer at IonQ, where I develop new algorithms and uses for today’s trapped-ion quantum computers. I have expertise in chemistry, quantum computing, and machine learning and have been an avid Python programmer for over a decade. I’m also a proud father of a young daughter who reminds me every day of the excitement and joy of exploring and learning about the world.

Previously, I was a visiting researcher with Google Quantum AI, where I evaluated the scope, cost, and scale of fault-tolerant quantum algorithms for industrial R&D. I have also worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Washington and Yale, where I conducted research at the intersection of computational chemistry, biology, and machine learning. I received my PhD in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry from UW, working on coupling electronic dynamics with relativistic electronic structure theory.

I hope you find something useful here – feel free to email me any time!